Core Concepts

Anthroposophical Extended Medicine (AEM) has its own way of thinking and perceiving humans. Learning basic concepts and vocabulary foundational to this field is important for immersion. While these ideas may feel foreign at first, with time they will become more familiar and prove invaluable for clear thinking and communication.

Click on each of the links below to learn more.


Anthroheal help

Feeling overwhelmed or not sure where to get started? Send us an email and see if we can help point you in the right direction.


Three Fold Human

Three Fold Human

The Four Bodies

The Four Bodies

External Educational Resources

Anthroheal is by far the only location with text on these foundational concepts. Most anthromedical texts will open with a brief explanation of these concepts. The best way to learn is over time from many different sources. Check out our resouces section as well as youtube for additional sources

school hours

M-F: 8am – 3:30pm


1234 Divi St. #1000 San Francisco, CA 94220.


